
 The river that flows through Omsk, Russia and Kazakhstan

 Camping on the way to Astana

 Grass fire on the way to Astana

Khan Shatyr

Some big building and nice park

Statue of somethings

Interesting buildings

Another interesting monument, tower

Doing some servicing of the bike. I replaced the spark plug, cleaned the air filter and chain, fitted a larger front sprocket so hopefully I will get another 10km out of the bike when cruising.

Burabya National Park, a popular tourist destination for Kazkhstanis.

Thought I would go for a ride on this salt lake but it hadn't dried out enough so i got a little stuck

stopping for some water melon on my way to Almaty
Changing the rear tire at Balhash Lake, it had done 13,207kms and probably could have done another 1,000kms but I was tired of carrying my spare so I thought I would take the opportunity to change it while I had a good camp site.

Almaty, ice skating rink in the mountains

Kazakhstanin yurt in the mountains. I stopped here for a little while and had some tea and biscuits and was given a tour of this guys place. He had fresh water from a spring, was growing water melons and other fruit and vegetables, he had rabbits which I assumed he was growing to eat, he never had to leave the place.

boys and there donkey

Probably an old Russia truck carrying farmers materials.

Some horse having a drink

Aral Sea

Lunch break at a road side cafe, it was great food and was prepared by 2 kids who were probably about 14 years old.

Road to somewhere in the direction of Russia, I dropped the bike about 2 times at low speed in the sand.

Lucky I picked up this hitch hiker! I was going to run out of fuel so he took me back to his house where I was able to get some petrol.

These police were the only ones that didn't ask for money, they actually gave me a bottle of champagne and sent me on my way to Russia

Having an ice cream at a cafe on a 38 degree day, every day for the past week was in high 30's

Security Guard at petrol station