Croatia and Some More

View from the mountain over Dubrovnik

An empty beach that would normally be full in the tourist season

Nice day to go sailing!

Big brige over the gorge on my way to Zagreb the capital of Croatia.

This was an impressing view.

The wind was so strong it picked my bike up and through it on its side when I had it parked. I couldn't continue any further on this road, it was impossible to ride, the wind was like a cyclone constantly trying to push me over. Even my brakes couldn't hold me when the wind was coming from behind.

After having lots of difficulty with the wind and closed roads I finally had a way to Slovenia through a more inland route. The wind didn't help either with fuel economy, normally I can get about  400kms for 20litres and on this day it was averaging using twice the normal amount of fuel 10kms for 1litre.


Welcome to Ljubljana

Quite little village in the mountains

Crossing through the alps from Slovenia to Austria.


Nice sunset over the lake near Klagenfurt.

Still snow on the top of the mountains

Another sticker to the collection, this one was a freeby from the gas station attendant.


Leszno Speedway, European GP

Polish fans, Poland would have to be the speedway capital of the world.